Money is a loaded subject because man's psychology is full of greed; otherwise money is a simple means of exchanging things, a perfect means. There is nothing wrong in it, but the way we have worked it out, everything seems to be wrong in it.
If you don't have money, you are condemned; your whole life is a curse, and your whole life you are trying to have money by any means.
If you have money it does not change the basic things: you want more, and there is no end to wanting more. And when finally you have too much money- although it is not enough, it is never enough, but it is more than anybody else has-then you start feeling guilty, because the means that you have used to accumulate the money are ugly, inhuman, violent. You have been exploiting, you have been sucking the blood of people. you have been a parasite. So now you have got the money but it reminds you of all the crimes that you have committed in gaining it
That creates two kind of people: one who starts donating to charitable institutions to get rid of guilt. They are doing "good work" they are doing "God's work". They are opening hospitals and schools. All they are doing is trying somehow not to go mad because of the feeling of guilt. All your hospitals and all your schools and colleges and all your charitable institutions are outcomes of guilty people.
For example, the Noble prize was founded by a man who earned money in the first world war by creating all kinds of destructive bombs, machines. The first world war was fought using the means supplied by Mr.Nobel. and he earned such a huge amount of money...Both the parties were getting war material from the same source; he was the only person who was creating war materials on a vast scale. So whoever was killed, was killed by him. It does not matter whether he belonged to this side or to that side; whoever was killed was killed by his bombs.
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