Equality among "men and women" and
about "human right" were propounded and implemented at that time when
UNO was formed. The world wide manifesto in 1948 AD made the notation ("Equality
among men and women "and "human right") move forward as well as
strong. From this we can say that women
right and equality topic has been (provoked) discussed since 1945 A.D. In 1946
A.D UNO formed a commission for the development of women's' political,
economical and social sector. In order to throw out contemporary problem i.e. gender
discrimination in wages for the common work, International Labor Organization
formulated the act about equality in wages in 1951 AD and approved it. Similarly, in 1952 AD, to secure the
involvement of women in political sector UNO approved the act of voting right
of women also. In 1950 women rights for citizenship act was also approved as
well as the right in employment, no
discriminations in job was approved in 1960.

In 1994
A.D. about population and development international conference was held in Cairo
Egypt). Fourth international women conference was held in 1995 A.D in Beijing (China ).
If we analysis the conference held within century period women's empowerment
and improvement has taken a great pace.
is also part of women's right and duties. Nepal has also taken part in
different manifesto and agreement but progress is not as expected. Removing the
discrimination against women agreement was approved in 1979 AD but in Nepal it
was formulated in 1991 also the agreement of 'self protocol 1999' was approved
in 2001 December 18. Similarly, the act against women prostitution and children
trafficking was approved in 11th
SAARC conference. Nepal
accepted to celebrate the year 1975 AD as the women's year and 1976 to 1985 as
the women's decade. Similarly, the manifesto of 1995 of china and the work
stage of Beijing was taken in consideration by Nepal . Nepal was also one of the participants in
different international women's conference held at Mexico
at 1975, Copenhagen in 1980, Nairobi in 1985 and
Beijing in
In Nepal different
practices has been made against women's right and equality. Gender
discrimination has been included in Nepal constitution since 2015 B.S to 2063
B.S. Traditional bad rituals like polygamy, child marriage were considered as
illegal and was prohibited. The act of working in factory and gender
discrimination in wages were in practice through government level and has been amended
in 2016 B.S . In context there are different departments for women. For the up liftment
of women situation separate organizations has developed various infrastructures.
Ninth plan has developed various norms and laws in the area of political,
economical and social sector of women.
Similarly, 10th and 11th
plan also has given importance for the issue of women . From the government
level there is the establishment of different departments to handle grievance
against women's violence as well as
their rights.
increase the wealth power of women they are provided with special discount on
activities like registering land, houses and even in tax of cottage industry. Not
only from government level also from NGOs and Ingo's various activities has
been conducted for the up liftment of women. Hope can be kept that up coming
new Constitution strongly raises the issue of women and their rights.
are spending their maximum time in non-productive work like household
activities rather than wages earning work. Whatever the government does problem
can't be solved unless the women
participate in using physical social and capital sources. Laws and order
are there but they are not properly implemented. Political and functional
negotiation are not working properly as well as women are not able to come
forward in the society. Although many international laws norms and treaties has
been accepted by Nepal they are not properly implemented.
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