the earth, hence it has no clinging, it is not attached; it is not obsessed with anything.
Love is also just like that without any roots without any clinging; floating like a cloud in absolute freedom.
The cloud is full of rain; it want to share, it want to rain. and that's what love is too: it is fully of joy, peace and it wants to shower it. It is full of juice and it wants to rain. and to whomsoever is ready to receive love is over willing to give. It doesn't feel that the person who receives has any obligation towards it. No, no at all. on the contrary, love feels obliged. that the other helped it to be unburdened. The cloud feels obliged to earth because the earth helped it to be unburdened. Love is always feeling obliged to everybody. And love never bothers much about whether the other is worthy of receiving it or not. These are miserly things, miserly attitudes. love i never a miser.
The cloud never bothers about whether the earth is worthy. It rains on the mountains, it rains on the rocks; it rains everywhere and anywhere. It gives without any condition attached, without any string attached.
And that's how love is; it is simply gives, it enjoys giving. Whosoever is willing to receive, receives it. He need not to be worthy, he need not to be in any special category, he need not fulfill any qualifications. If all these things are required then what you are giving is not love. It must be something else and you have not yet known what love is. Once you know what is love is you are ready to give, because you know the more you give, the more you have it. The more you go on showering on others the more it goes on springing up in your being. Once this secret is known
This is very strange economics. Ordinary economics is totally different: if you give something, you lose it. If you want to have it avoid giving it. Collect it, be misery. Just opposite in the case with love: If you want to have it, don't do miserly; otherwise it will go dead, it will become stale; it will stink, it will die. Go on giving and fresh sources will become available Fresh streams will flow into your being. The whole existence starts pouring into you when your giving is unconditional, total.
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