The British inventor of world wide web warned on Saturday that the freedom of the internet is under threat by governments and corporations interested in controlling the web.
Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist who invented the web 25 years ago, called for a bill of rights that would guarantee the independence of the internet and ensure users' privacy. "If company can control your access to the internet, if they can control which websites they go to, then they have tremendous control over your life" Berners-Lee said at the London "Web We Want" festival on the future of the internet.
"If a government can block you going to, for example the oppositions political pages then they can give you a blinkered view of reality to keep themselves in power. Suddenly the power to abuse the open internet has become so tempting both for government and big companies."
Berners-Lee, 59, is director of the World Wide Web Consortium, a body which develops guidelines for the development of the internet. He called for an internal version of the "Magna Carta" the 13 th century English character credited with guaranteeing basic rights and freedoms.
Concerns over privacy and freedom on the internet have increased in the wake of the revelation of mass government monitoring of online activity following leaks by former US intelligence contractors Edward Snowden.
A ruling but the European Union to allow individuals to ask search engines such as google to remove links to information about them called the "right to be forgotten" has also raised concerns over the potential for censorship. "There have been lots of times that it has been abused so now the Magna Carta is about saying.......... I want a web where I'm not spied on."
When it's time to rise from bed
Irrespective of dreams that enter my head
The cosiness of my bed has me caught
Like an ant inside a sugar pot
When early birds start to sing
And the alarm goes ting ting
All I like to do is press the snooze button
Because sleeping is the best thing
Early in the morning I do not rise
So i may not be healthy, wealthy or wise
Sleeping the entire day is what I like to do.
For me, sleeping is the biggest prize
To the tide of time I must abide
Despite such sweet slumber, I am obliged to rise
There are places where I have to be
And my many characters I have to set free
On the occasion of Dashain what a sad news. Accident took place at around 6:30 in Dhading BhumeSthan. Three people died. Bus was coming towards Kathmandu from Beni. 30 years old Kritika Thapa magar and her 6 years old daughter and other who died is unknown. Other injured are taken to kathmandu hospital as well as first aid and other treatment are being made over there among them 15 are seriously injured. Two bus collided each other and accident took place.
Kathmandu is the greatest city of the Himalaya, a unique survival of cultural practices that died out in India a thousand years ago. It is a carnival of sexual license and hypocrisy, a jewel of world art, a hotbed of communist revolution, a paradigm of failed democracy, a case study in bungled Western intervention and an environmental catastrophe.
Closed to the outside world until 1951 and trapped in a medieval time warp, Kathmandus rapid modernization is an extreme version of what is happening in many traditional societies. The many layers of the citys development are reflected in the successive generations of its gods and goddesses, witches and ghosts, the comforts of caste, the ethos of aristocracy and kingship and the lately destabilizing spirits of consumer aspiration, individuality, egalitarianism, communism and democracy.
Kathmandu follows the authors story through a decade in the city and unravels the citys history through successive reinventions of itself. Erudite, entertaining and accessible, it is the fascinating chronicle of a unique city.
Quote of praises
A narrative of an enchanting and troubling complexity. Tom Bell has thought through the history and contemporary reality of Kathmandu and has written a great, subtle book, one as shadowed as Kathmandus alleys and as brilliant as its midday squares - Teju Cole, author of Open City
A wonderfully discursive account of the personal discovery of a great city. Looping through centuries and slaloming between journalism and history, memoir, mythology and gossip, Tom Bell has written a portrait of Kathmandu like no other, taking us from Manjushree to the Maoists via witches, colonial Orientalists, LSD cults, spies wars and old Serge Gainsbourg movies. A splendidly eccentric and enjoyable first book - William Dalrymple, author of Return of a King
An evocative and entertaining portrait of a misunderstood city - Sam Miller, author of Delhi - Adventures in a Megacity and Blue Guide India
Capturing the complexity of Nepali-lived experience, this is an exquisite read - Manjushree Thapa, author of Forget Kathmandu
About the Author
Thomas Bell was born in the north of England in 1978 and studied at Oxford and the Courtauld Institute of Art. After university he moved to Kathmandu to cover the civil war in Nepal for the Daily Telegraph, The Economist and other publications. He was the South East Asia correspondent of the Daily Telegraph before returning to Kathmandu, where he lives with his family.
Black Beery Brought "Passport Smart Phones" with amazing size. The size of the phone is square size with 4.5". Then newness of the phone is of its square size. Black Beery was not able to bring new phone since 2 years.
Phone brought by company Blackberry 10 on January 2013 cannot attract the customers. This phone consist of both physical and touch keyboard. It is target to business man and office. After this another new Black Berry Passport 2 preparation will start
In Nepalese Interim Constitution 2063, in the subject of right of equality, point 18 states that- All citizens are equal on the view of law. Point 20 states that- there is equal right to both son and daughter.
According to 11th Ammended Muluk Ain, 2058 it is stated that the property of widow and their legal rights are secured. Widow also have equal right on the property of her father's in law. Again the Muluki Ain ammended in, 2063, states that widow can use her property in her own way she shouldn't take permission of others.
According to women Human Rights, Single Women Group (WHR) Survey: More than 40% of widows get married before the age of 20, 33% of widows are literate only and 2% of them have higher education, 67% of widows are under 20-35 years of age having on average 3-4 children, 20% of widows have migrated and displaced due to the conflict affected widows, A high percentage of 78% of widow are found to be victims of various forms of violence. A verbal Violence was registered at 80%, 12% encountered physical violence whereas 8% underwent sexual harassment. After the death of husband, children especially girl are deducted even from basic needs.
It doesn't matter whether the widow is educated or not but Nepalese society treats widows as poor and unable woman. In such miserable situation we can just imagine how the situation of the widows would be those living in rural areas and are not educated.
Different NGO/INGOS and social benevolent organization are working for the improvement of various of widows such as economical, social and other aspects. Some social organization are conduction campaign are enlightening widow with power which make them feel free to express themselves. Such campaign also help them to build a positive attitude with removing the bad concepts like they are misfortune and helpless.
Widows' issue have been allocated budgets for the windows. Different skill developing training are launched by Nepal government keeping widows as the target.
Although some of the laws and tradition have been up grated for women and widow. We can see widows are facing many problems in our society. They are struggling with problems like psychological problems and many more. These problems creates psychological disorder in their children. Widows are facing the problem of unemployment, unsecured shelter, limited access to market, no collateral for access to credit and discriminatory wages and still considered to be harbingers of misfortune.
Some Nepali laws are changing slowly for much reformative condition according to changing of society and culture. Among them changing the discriminatory laws and policies against widows are given below
The property of decreased husband the wife inherits no longer need to be returned to their husband's family after remarriage
Widows no longer require the consent of their adults sons and unmarried daughter to sell or hand over property ownership.
Widows no longer need to reach the age of 35 to inherit deceased husband's property.
Widows do not have to remain in the chastity of her deceased husband to inherit the property; Widows no longer need to reach the age of 60 to get monthly allowance. Government policy to provied Rs 50,000 to men who marry widow, Widows no longer need to take the permission of the male family member to obtain passport. Widows issues have been included in the fundamental right in Draft Constitution of Nepal
To improve the status of widows in our society, we waver person from our side should change our attitude towards widows. Government must make proper plan and policy for building their power. Vocational education and training like swing/waiving, health, education and handicraft training are necessary for widow, to make them independent. Awareness program have to be conducted through Radio T.V. print media etc. Enough allowance must be provided to those widows who can't do any work. Government should invest sufficient capital in the field of education as all of us know that education brings change in society. According to Shakespeare-"Give me Good mother, I will give good nation So that any nation will not change without proper education."
According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary "Widow is a woman whose husband is no more i.e. he is dead and she is still unmarried." Nepalese society believe that widow is responsible for the death of her husband therefore, they are considered as BAD LUCK.
In ancient time religious books used to be the main source of law and order. Nepalese society has been declared as male dominated society from past, They used to be dominated in the name of witch, Chahaupadi, Jhuma, Badii, Deuki, Widow as well as tortured by extremely dire words Randi, Beshaya, Radi etc. Religion, culture and social values clearly reflect the dominating attitude towards women. In spite of this in some religious book like Manusmriti we can find that women are respected. According to the Manusmriti happiness of god lies on the respect of women. One of the law and order according to religious book was the Sati Tradition. Sati Means to get burnt alive along with the dead body of husband. But due to change in time there was change in system. Sati was popular but not compulsion. If we look in the historic book of Shrestha, 2055 we can read that Queen Rajyabati (Mother of Mandev) wanted to go to sati, but because of child Mandev's denial she couldn't. Similarly, Bhauma Gupta's mother Abhiri, Jayadev's mother batashadevi also rejected for Sati. But all of them followed the rule of Sati Barta Rule. Later, Prithivi Narayan Shah united Nepal and some royal women like Nayabi got chances to rise in politics. But the position of general women remained the same. In 1968 B.S.(1929 A.D.) Rana Prime Minister Chandra Shamser declared the end of sati system.
According to Census of 2068, more than 50% of population is women. There is equal role of women in family, in society and in development activities. At past women were treated as the servant. Nowadays we can find most of the women are provided with opportunities and are educated. Situation of women of urban area is better these days. But the situation of women of rural area is still unsatisfactory.
In Nepal Generally there are two types of Widows. Child widow and Adult widow. Some decades ago there used to be child marriage in Nepal. How can any child know the literal meaning of marriage. In such situation if the women becomes a widow she used to be called as Child Widow. Similarly, if the women who is of adult age and knows literal meaning of marriage becomes widow then she is called Adult Widow or Mature widow.
If it rains for an hour in a Kathmandu. The city is full of water look out the pictures. There is good service of road though there is not good water management. SAARC conference is drawing near how do government manage this if it rains during the conference. Many VIPS travel through this road.
Saturday and its a leave once in a week in Nepal. I am spending my time at my mama's home. According to hindu culture we do saraddha in this time and its called sohora saraddha. We celebrate Dashain and before celebrating dashain we first make our ansestors happy and we celebrate it.
Lal Ku Sasatika pour hot tea in the breast of Angila Neupane in Padhma kanaya college. Hey grow up now. Why this kind of violence to women. She is also a girl and she has also right to live and make her Carrier in Political field. I think one of the reason why Nepali politics is not doing better is that. They pull down the leg of the best one who tries to go up. Neither they can do nor they let other do it. There are such kind of people . Until and unless such kind of people are here development can be expected to 11 %.
How long do you use facebook? "People who use face book or who are addicted towards facebook are in the risk of being cyber attack and are being cheated"fact has been revealed
Those people who are active in facebook are the main victim of cyber attack. They are also victim of social media fishing. In this t
ype of attack the attacker creates a fake website and hacks the financial and other important information and start cheating them.
People who spend their time in facebook accept friend request without thinking. And they get access through their websites.
General of computer mediated communication cyber criminal can conduct various criminal activities. Bank balance nil, cyber crime, theft in house, secrecy disclose are the main crime related to this according to Arun vishwanath.
According to researcher such criminal make different excuses and reasons to accept their request and they disclose the secrecy of the person who accepted their request.
Watch could land you prison for up to TWO YEARS: Drivers using gadget behind
the wheel will be prosecuted, authorities warn ·This is according to the London-based Institute of Advanced
Motorists ·They believe Apple Watch will 'significantly' impair driving
performance ·Among other things, it will let users to make calls and check
messages ·Using Apple Watch while driving carries same penalties as using mobile ·In the UK, this can be 3 penalty points, a £100 fine or 2 years in
prison ·Depending on what state you're driving in the US, using a mobile
behind the wheel may land you a $10,000 (£6,100) fine and a year in prison Using an Apple Watch
while driving could put you in prison for up to two years, motoring experts
have warned. When the gadget is
released next year, it will allow users to make and receive calls, check their
messages and monitor their health by operating the device on their wrists. But people who use Apple
Watch while on the road are at risk of causing fatal crashes and will face the
same penalties as those caught on their mobile phones. This is according to the
London-based Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) who has warned that
smartwatches will 'significantly' impair driving performance. Existing research by the
IAM on smartphone use between 2006 and 2010 found distraction from a mobile
phone was a contributory factor in 1,960 road accidents, 110 of which were
fatal. As opposed to using a
hands-free piece of equipment, the Apple Watch will require drivers to use two
hands to operate the device. The IAM claims this will
impact speed, lane position and time spent looking at the road, contributing to
more serious crashes.
Please leave me alone. What do u want further from me. Nothing is there with me now. The thing that I had you took it away. I am empty now. Once you filled me with joys and happiness now you took all that by yourself. You motto was to make me restless then why you showed me the beautiful world. You broke our world into pieces and now you are coming to make the same. Hey dear nothing can be same as it was before. I thank time that made me easy to know you. I saw your true character now why should I be with you. Neither I hide anything nor you were unknown but still you betrayed me so. Still you want me to be back with you. Remember Baby its not possible. All I can is stay with me. Never try to reach toward me or you will get hurt. It was a game for you to play with my heart.
A blind teacher raped a blind girl what a shame. A blind girl form Prabhat who came to Pokhara for further study after her SLC. She was searching for a friend like her so she was under Janprakash Higher secondary blind girl hostel.
The in charge of hostel Danda Padi Dhakal was the main foundation of the hostel (he is also blind)But the founder with no mercy raped the girl who was studying.
He force girl to read nepali subject as her interest was to read English and teach other student English after her completion. He tempted girl with scholorship and with no mercy raped her. She was so frighted to tell other as the teacher threaten her. After four days of accident girl told to one of the girl at hostel and she complained police now the founder is under police investigation.
A child
Carries a load at New Bus Park in the Capital as the government celebrated
Children's Day on Sunday. Though child labour has been outlawed, an estimated
1.6 million children are in the work force in Nepal. Photo By: Nimesh Jang Rai
Nepal celebrated Children's day on 29 Bhadra See how child is used.
According to International Business times Around 500 thousands google account has been hacked and are posted in social media. Most of the user whose password has been hacked are form Russia.
All email account with data base text file has been uploaded in social media Platform Bitcoin security forum. From user names these Gmail information was uploaded.
In this way if Gmail account and password are uploaded publicly in social media anyone can have access to your account. Office of Google in Russia said they are investigation in this matter and requesting user to choose strong password with 2 step authentication.
After hacking 600 accounts from the internet provider mail. ru gmail user also attacked the very next day.
How to know your gmail account has been hacked?
There is any easy method to know whether your account has been hacked or not. To know you have to click here
If you put your user name or without entering the last three letter you can entry then it shows your username gmail account if it has been hacked. If your account has been hacked just change your password immediately with two step authentication
are going to buy a If you have Rs 20,000
you can feel the features of Samsung Galaxy S5. No need to spend lots of money.
Neither apple Iphone nor Samsung galaxy S5 has to be bought. There are plenty
of alternatives smart phone in Nepal which are around 20000.
of the example is Samsung Galaxy Core 2 . In this mobile phone latest Android
version KIT KAT has been installed. It costs Rs. 17900 rupees only. Users are
saying that they are somehow feeling the features of Samsung Galaxy S5.
are various smart phones available with upgrading facility of operating system.
Karbon Titanium S5 plus cost Rs. 19000. Micro Max Hexa Core Canvas HD plus cost
20000. Colors K11 cost Rs 20500, BQ S60 cost Rs 17500, Lenovo 706 cost
19500,L.G.L70 cost 18500 and Sony Xperia L cost Rs 19000. All the smart phones
have upgrade facility in operating system. Although Various sets have different
features 3G internet, Camera, and other function are similar. Every smart phone
have external memory slot. Almost every smart phone have HD display. In BQ S60
IPS LCD screen has been used so that there will be effect only in one thing
either display or screen if it falls uncertainly. Their Batter is also
sustainable. In colour K11 it can be used in various code. Even pendrive can be
used in K11. Screen size are also available in around 4 to 5 inch.
Equality among "men and women" and
about "human right" were propounded and implemented at that time when
UNO was formed. The world wide manifesto in 1948 AD made the notation ("Equality
among men and women "and "human right") move forward as well as
strong. From this we can say that women
right and equality topic has been (provoked) discussed since 1945 A.D. In 1946
A.D UNO formed a commission for the development of women's' political,
economical and social sector. In order to throw out contemporary problem i.e. gender
discrimination in wages for the common work, International Labor Organization
formulated the act about equality in wages in 1951 AD and approved it. Similarly, in 1952 AD, to secure the
involvement of women in political sector UNO approved the act of voting right
of women also. In 1950 women rights for citizenship act was also approved as
well as the right in employment, no
discriminations in job was approved in 1960.
1962, marriage, minimum age requirement for marriage, marriage registration, kinds
of agreement was approved. International
agreement was made in 1967 A.D. to remove the discrimination over women.
Taking in consideration for development of women UNO declared the year 1975 A.D
as the international women's year. In 1979 AD manifesto against women was
approved as well as second international women conference was held at Copenhagen Denmark in 1980 AD.
In 1994
A.D. about population and development international conference was held in Cairo
Egypt). Fourth international women conference was held in 1995 A.D in Beijing (China).
If we analysis the conference held within century period women's empowerment
and improvement has taken a great pace.
is also part of women's right and duties. Nepal has also taken part in
different manifesto and agreement but progress is not as expected. Removing the
discrimination against women agreement was approved in 1979 AD but in Nepal it
was formulated in 1991 also the agreement of 'self protocol 1999' was approved
in 2001 December 18. Similarly, the act against women prostitution and children
trafficking was approved in 11th
SAARC conference. Nepal
accepted to celebrate the year 1975 AD as the women's year and 1976 to 1985 as
the women's decade. Similarly, the manifesto of 1995 of china and the work
stage of Beijing was taken in consideration by Nepal. Nepal was also one of the participants in
different international women's conference held at Mexico
at 1975, Copenhagen in 1980, Nairobi in 1985 and
Beijing in
In Nepal different
practices has been made against women's right and equality. Gender
discrimination has been included in Nepal constitution since 2015 B.S to 2063
B.S. Traditional bad rituals like polygamy, child marriage were considered as
illegal and was prohibited. The act of working in factory and gender
discrimination in wages were in practice through government level and has been amended
in 2016 B.S . In context there are different departments for women. For the up liftment
of women situation separate organizations has developed various infrastructures.
Ninth plan has developed various norms and laws in the area of political,
economical and social sector of women.
Similarly, 10th and 11th
plan also has given importance for the issue of women . From the government
level there is the establishment of different departments to handle grievance
against women's violence as well as
their rights.
increase the wealth power of women they are provided with special discount on
activities like registering land, houses and even in tax of cottage industry. Not
only from government level also from NGOs and Ingo's various activities has
been conducted for the up liftment of women. Hope can be kept that up coming
new Constitution strongly raises the issue of women and their rights.
are spending their maximum time in non-productive work like household
activities rather than wages earning work. Whatever the government does problem
can't be solved unless the women
participate in using physical social and capital sources. Laws and order
are there but they are not properly implemented. Political and functional
negotiation are not working properly as well as women are not able to come
forward in the society. Although many international laws norms and treaties has
been accepted by Nepal they are not properly implemented.
A Nepali Girl Nurse Sumana Dawadi has reached to Top 5 in a Competition "Village to Raise A Child"conducted by Harvard. She has been running Campaign against sexual harassment in public transportation. It is one of major problem in our public transportation. She has chose the best topic. My support is always with her and I am feeling proud when heard the news that "SHE IS IN TOP 5."
The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are bigger, rounder and faster. The Apple Watch does more than any smartwatch on the market today. And Apple hailed the Apple Pay payments system for its security and ease of use.
New, bigger iPhones: "Today, we are launching the biggest advancement in the history of iPhone," Apple CEO Tim Cook said at an event in Cupertino, Calif. "They are without a doubt the best iPhones we've ever done."
The iPhones have curved edges and bigger screens that measure 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches, up from just four inches on the iPhone 5S.
The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus come with bigger screens and rounded edges.
To help users handle the bigger phone, Apple has moved the on-off switch to the right edge of the phone. And when you double-tap the home button, the entire display will slide down so users can access items on the top of the screen.
Crucially, the bigger displays allow for bigger batteries: 11 hours of video watching on the iPhone 6 and 14 hours for the iPhone 6 Plus -- up from 10 hours on the iPhone 5S.
The iPhone evolved
Both new iPhones feature Apple's new A8 processor, which is 25% faster than the iPhone 5S. The M8 co-processor will allow fitness apps to tell the difference between walking and biking and even measure your relative elevation.
The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will feature an 8 megapixel camera that comes with a new sensor that Apple claims will help the camera focus faster.
And the iPhones will come with Apple's new iOS 8 software, featuring a new HealthKit application that monitors users' heart rates, sleep, weight and blood pressure among other health-related information. Apple said iOS 8 will be available Sept. 17 to customers who have an iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C or iPhone 5S.
Both iPhones will be available Sept. 19 in the United States and eight other countries. Pre-orders will begin on Friday. The 16 GB iPhone 6 will be available for $199. The 64 GB version will cost $299; $399 will get you 128 GB. The iPhone 6 Plus will start at $299.
Apple will also discount the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C by $100. The iPhone 5S will maintain its aluminum casing -- it won't get the iPhone 5C's plastic treatment.
The new Apple Watch
Apple Watch: Apple(AAPL, Tech30) also unveiled the Apple Watch smartwatch, the company's first wearable device. The Apple Watch pairs with the new iPhones to display notifications. It features a magnetic charger, health and fitness apps and a crown that controls zoom and scrolling with a twist. Oh, and it will tell time too -- allowing users to choose between multiple watch faces.
Apple said it will sell three versions of the Apple Watch, including a sports model and an 18 carat gold model called the "Apple Watch Edition." The Apple Watch also comes in two sizes, one slightly smaller than the other.
5 Stunning Apple Stats
The Apple Watch will debut with many third-party apps that make use of the watch's various features, including a Starwood Hotels(HOT) app that lets you unlock your door with your wrist.
The watch requires an iPhone, but it will work with some older versions of the iPhone, including the iPhone 5, 5C and 5S. It will start at $349 and will be available in early 2015.
"It'll be worth the wait," said Cook.
Google(GOOGL, Tech30) has already unveiled its smartwatch software called "Android Wear." Samsung(SSNLF), Motorola, LG and other gadget makers have already launched smartwatches, which have received mixed reviews and tepid interest from consumers.
Apple Pay: Apple also unveiled a new mobile payments platform called Apple Pay, which works with the new iPhones and the Apple Watch.
The new iPhones will be able to interact with payment terminals in a simple tap. Apple has deals in place with the major credit card companies, including American Express(AXP),MasterCard(MA) and Visa(V), as well as several major retailers.
Apple touted Apple Pay's security. The company said it doesn't store your credit card information on your phone -- and the number isn't even given to the merchant. Apple Pay also works with the iPhone's TouchID sensor -- allowing people to pay by touching the home button while tapping their phones on a payment terminal.
We see lots of our women are traveling through public transportation. They are being sexually harassed in public transportation.
The main problem of our country is unsecured transportation facility. Its has been few months that some road are being made qualitative but still other are in its same condition. People are compelled to travel in public transportation that is too much crowed and in this crowd many male try to touch the sensitive part of the female. Some female leave it where as other try to raise their voice against those male but their voice are limited over public vehicle only. She cries for support but only few number of people supports her. Some time what happens is even she in not supported by females.
Actually I wrote this to support Miss Sumana Dawadi. Let us help her in her project
In fact, the Dreadnoughtus schrani dinosaur unveiled Thursday was one of the biggest — if not THE biggest — land animal ever to grace the Earth.
Experts estimate that back in its day — the Upper Cretaceous period, approximately 77 million years ago — this giant measured 85 feet long and weighed about 65 tons.
No wonder, then, paleontologists picked a first name that breaks down to “fear nothing.” (The second name honors benefactor and tech entrepreneur Adam Schran.) You wouldn’t be scared, either, if you towered over every creature in sight, could smash most anything with your whip-like tail and could smoosh most anything with your colossal feet.
“Dreadnoughtus schrani was astoundingly huge,” said Kenneth Lacovara, the lead author of the report published in Scientific Reports, as quoted on his school Drexel University’s website. “It weighed as much as a dozen African elephants or more than seven T. rex.”