'The real Swaraj will come not by the acquisition of authority by a few but
by the acquisition of capacity by all to resist authority when abused.' -
Mahatma Gandhi
The essence and emergence of the right
to information lies in empowering individuals to hold public authorities to
account and get engaged in exercising own fundamental rights as sovereign
Most probably, the world-known leader
Mahatma Gandhi was intending to highlight the importance of self-awareness as
strength to check wrongdoings of authorities – a true process of deepening
participatory democracy.
It is presumed that an informed citizenry
possesses the capacity to ask question to authorities when abused and creates
opportunity to participate in decision-making process. The 'Swaraj'
prescription by non-violence apostle Gandhi has been substantiated with
increasing level of access to information in the South Asian region – characterized by high levels of poverty and population
density as well as strong recent economic growth and a mixture of more or less
Democratic States.
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Right to Information – a fundamental
human right allowing access to public information – is well established, both
in legislation and in practice. It has been swiftly gaining popularity in many
parts of the world as an effective tool to strengthen participatory democracy,
promote good governance, check corruption and help ensure other rights thereby
building an open and accountable society.
As a result, billions of people around
the world now enjoy the right to access information held by their governments
and public agencies. Millions of people around the world have utilized these
laws to access public information, to expose and check corruption, to enhance
their ability to participate in public affairs, to improve public service
delivery and to protect other human rights, opportunities and justice.
Globally, a number of countries have
provided constitutional protection to the right to information: 101 countries
have so far enacted RTI laws. Internationally, the right to information has
been recognized as a fundamental human right and a touchstone for all other freedoms.
A number of international and human
rights charters, including Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights also
recognize the importance of the right to information. The international
recognition of the right to information has been widely attributed to the
effects of globalization and democratization.
RTI in South Asia
In South Asia, the enactment of RTI
legislation has followed closely in the wake of political reform and deepening
democracy. Against a background of political change and transformation, six
South Asian countries to date — Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, the Maldives
and Pakistan — have enacted RTI laws. Pakistan was the first country in the
region to pass RTI legislation in 2002; however, the federal Freedom of
Information Ordinance 2002 is considered an ineffective law that does not meet
international best practices.
India is widely regarded as a leader on
RTI in the region. The country’s Right to Information Act 2005 was passed
following a decade-long grassroots and civil society campaign. India’s Right to
Information Act is widely recognized as a strong law that has been extensively
used by citizens to access entitlements, redress grievances, and expose
corruption and mismanagement in government programs.
Nepal enacted RTI legislation in 2007
and Bangladesh in 2009. However, the effectiveness of the laws in both
countries has been withered by poor implementation and limited awareness and
use of the laws by citizens.
and the Maldives have only recently passed RTI legislation, while in
Afghanistan; a draft bill is currently under government consideration. In Sri
Lanka, civil society organizations and the media have been campaigning for the
legal recognition of the right to information for many years; however,
legislation is yet to be enacted. Most recently, in 2011, a draft bill was
presented to parliament but was turned down.
However, over the past decade, countries
in South Asia have made remarkable progress towards providing their citizens
with a guaranteed right to access information from their government – through
constitutional guarantees, legal statutes, and most importantly through the
enactment and implementation of RTI legislation.
At a regional level, the secretariat of
the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) can support the
effective implementation of the right to information in member countries. The
SAARC Charter adopted by the Heads of State and Governments at the 2004 SAARC
Summit held in Islamabad, Pakistan underlined the importance of the transparent
and accountable conduct of administration in public and private, national and
international institutions. Specifically, in 2008, at a SAARC Ministerial
meeting, delegates committed to adopt “appropriate legislation conferring the
right to information for all citizens from governments and public authorities,
to eliminate arbitrariness and corrupt practices and improve governance at the
regional, national and local level.”
Learning from experiences
Countries in the region can learn
considerably from each other's experiences in implementing RTI. There are many
areas where the SAARC member-state could collaborate for leveling up the
citizen's access to information in the region. Demonstrating political will and commitment to entrench RTI
at a country and regional level, ensuring effective implementation of the law
at the country level, setting a regional minimum standards for proactive
disclosure, linking RTI to broader movements for governance reform within the region,
creating country-specific and regional caucuses of parliamentarians in support
of RTI and good governance, facilitating dialogue and exchange visits among RTI
champions in the region are some of the areas for interventions.
SAARC can play proactive and effective
role in promoting RTI in the region thereby improving the state of
transparency, accountability and good governance. For this, promotion of RTI in
SAARC region should be included in the agenda of SAARC. The SAARC Secretariat
should have its own 'Disclosure Policies' for SAARC Secretariat as well as its
regional centres established in the member states.
There is huge potential for the SAARC
region to showcase rest of the world the success of right to information as a
cross-cutting tool for integrating deeper peace and cooperation. This is what
the 18th SAARC Summit should make a broader consensus among the member-states
to harness collective strengths to become the global champion of right to
information for transparent, accountable and well-governed society. RSS
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